Whether you’re in the healthcare, education, hospitality, leisure or catering industry, food service is a fast-moving and ever-changing sector. With consumer behaviour constantly changing, it’s important to keep on top of new trends, and staying up to date with the latest developments is key. Here are the latest trends that have been brewing and are now impacting the coffee industry.

Single Origin Coffee
Single origin coffee is harvested from a single country, region or area and carries the unique flavour notes of that origin thanks to climate factors such as soil, temperature and rainfall, for example. As a coffee roaster, when purchasing green coffee we’re able to know exactly where that green bean has come from, including the exact farm and even the farmers who have helped to grow it. It’s this traceability factor that consumers love, as they understand it’s exclusivity and appreciate seeing companies support independent farms across the world. It’s this that makes single origin coffee more sustainable and ethical than a blend of coffee, and consumers are beginning to understand that.

Ethical Coffee
It comes as no surprise that consumers are becoming more environmentally aware as people around the world are making changes to prevent climate change. As a result, many people are educating themselves on positive changes, including what they’re consuming. Many coffee brands carry the familiar Fairtrade badge, but this doesn’t mean that this is the fairest process for the farmers, it’s just a certification by Fairtrade International to say a farm meets a certain criteria. Consumers are becoming more aware of roasters sourcing their coffee more ethically through another process called direct trade, which happens when roasters source their coffee beans directly from the farm itself. This process allows the farmers to sell their green coffee at a higher rate than usual, and in return give the roasters access to some of the world’s highest quality beans. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved, and roasters are then able to tell the story of the farm they work with to help educate consumers on the work that goes into coffee, so they can appreciate every aspect of the coffee, from crop to cup.

Plant-based milks
We have seen a huge change in perspectives towards alternative milks, taking them from something that was primarily used for people with health issues, to them becoming another normal milk drink option. With alternative milks such as oat milk, almond milk and coconut milk becoming increasingly popular, there’s becoming a demand for these plant-based milks within all industries, from hospitality to healthcare. According to The Vegan Society, alternative milks are set to see a growth rate of 13.8% year on year, with almond milk set to experience a growth rate of 16.6% year on year. This is due to many reasons including health benefits, as these alternatives are rich in vitamins and minerals and usually much lower in fat than dairy milk. As the rise in non-dairy milks becomes more prominent, many coffee shops, restaurants and catering industries, for example, are beginning to make this more accessible on their menus. And as a coffee roaster, we’re seeing that alternative milks are no longer a trend, they’re now a behaviour that shouldn’t be ignored.
Interested in learning more about how you can get behind these trends? Get in touch with our team who can help you choose the right coffee for your business.