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With spiced pumpkin syrups being moving aside to make way for more festive flavours we delve in to the ‘syrups-for-coffee’ segment of the coffee market and explore the potential growth opportunities it provides and which flavours are must haves this festive season.

The rise of flavoured speciality coffee

With the global syrup market expected to exhibit a CAGR of 4.13% during 2022-20271 the ‘syrups-for-coffee’ market segment provides a potential growth opportunity for cafés, restaurants and food to go outlets.

This all year round opportunity is driven by a consumer desire to customise their coffee, with peak seasonal events such as Halloween and Christmas providing opportunities to bolster this footfall.

But this market segment doesn’t just provide the potential to increase footfall, it also provides the opportunity to increase the value per transaction with it being said to drive a 44% increase in price per cup for a coffee shop chain in the UK2.

What flavours are looking hot for the festive season ahead?

The festive season brings with it consumer expectation that they will be able to get their favourite festive flavoured coffee, regardless of where they are purchasing it from. So, which flavours do you need to be ready with?

  • Gingerbread – providing a warm spiced taste this flavour exudes Christmas and warmth and is a firm go to for consumers during the festive period and has become the perfect accompaniment for a latte.
  • Cinnamon – sweet with a taste similar to cloves this is another warming flavour that makes any coffee feel like Christmas, most often added to lattes, flat whites or americanos.
  • Peppermint – turning a cup of coffee in to a candy cane treat this flavour lends itself to a variety of coffee drinks and is a great alternative to the other more spiced based flavours.

Don’t forget the basics

With the consumer demand for customisation being present all year it’s important to not forget this during key seasons. Caramel, vanilla, salted caramel and hazelnut join gingerbread in the top five most popular syrup choices so it is important to hold these to unlock the potential of this growing market.

Discover more coffee trends and stats that can unlock growth for those in the coffee market


