A Fusion of Chocolate Orange and Nuts
Fazenda Boa Esperança, once called Farm of Tulha, is well-known in the South Region of Minas. The property belonged to Mr Joaquim Pedro Ribeiro do Valle’s family and it has always been devoted to coffee planting. Dr Marcio Bittar Nehemy acquired the property in 2012, after it had just been renovated. As he didn’t have time to take care of the property, he asked Mr Gustavo, his nephew, to help him. Mr Gustavo usually worked with cattle, but he thought it was a great opportunity to learn more about producing Brazilian coffee beans, and he began managing the farm. In one year, Fazenda Boa Esperança grew to five-times the size once Mr Gustavo started managing it and it became a wholesale coffee seller. The farm started at 12 hectares and is now 60 hectares, Mr Gustavo believes it is all about investments. “When you want to have speciality Brazilian coffee beans, you have to follow some strict steps and invest in the property, machinery and, staff. It’s a long process and it’s worth it," said Mr Gustavo.

Perfect for …
Milk chocolate orange with a nutty almost walnutty overtone, Brazilian coffee beans make a full flavoured drip brew, no need to add milk!
Tasting Profile
- Flavours – Chocolate, Orange, Nutty and Syrupy notes
- Aroma – Citrus
- Body – Syrupy
- Acidity – Fair
Arrange a Coffee Tasting Session
Get in touch to arrange a coffee tasting session with the team at our showroom, and while you're visiting we will give you a full tour of our roastery. Unable to make it to us? Don't worry we can travel to your place. Let us know what's best for you, we don't want you to miss the chance to try our freshly roasted coffees.
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