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It all starts with great beans

The Explorers Collection is 100% traceable, so with every sip your customers are taken on a journey across the most beautiful coffee-growing regions in the world. Our certified Roots Collection has farmers and their land at its heart, supporting initiatives such as Fairtrade, Organic, Rainforest Alliance and Project Waterfall.

Building long term partnerships

Our customers have had great success across a wide range of industries including contract caterers, farm shops, garden centres, hotels, leisure centres, restaurants and more.

View testimonials

Salesforce Tower, London, were not getting the results and feedback on their coffee customer experience that they were hoping for and came to Bridge Coffee Roasters for a solution.

As The Udder Farm Shop trebled their capacity, they wanted to up their coffee game, too. Thanks to our specialist coffee and training sessions, they’re now getting great customer feedback.

Cleverchefs chose Bridge Coffee Roasters to help create their signature blend, Clevercoffee. We also provided training, equipment and branding support to make sure their coffee shop was set for success.

I have found them a professional pro-active and responsive business with a very good product and an excellent infrastructure.

Kevin Boyle

Food and Beverage Director, Notcutts Garden Centres

“They have gone above and beyond, their set up is industrial enough to help us grow, we were just quite taking aback by the level of service and quality of bean that they offered.”

Nick Collins

Managing Director, Cleverchefs

"The install all went well thank you, the engineers were extremely friendly, efficient and helpful. All the staff who have used the machine so far have commented on the improvement of the quality of drink"

Peter Larman

Catering Manager, Peterhouse College, University of Cambridge

“They were able to provide me with everything that I needed, from the equipment to the training and quality of the coffee, the time and effort they put into that was quite astounding.”

Nik Edwards

General Manager, The Udder Farm Shop

“Given this is our first time introducing a coffee programme, Bridge Coffee Roasters have done a wonderful job with training and meeting our requirements. Installation was professional but done in an approachable way and we are excited to work with the roasting team going forward!”

Remi Williams

Chef/Co-Owner, Smoke & Salt

"All is going really well so far and the team seem to have benefitted from the training. The mobilisation was very smooth and we look forward to using the Puqpress in DCV soon"

Martin Batt

Head of Hospitality, University of Reading

"Your install team and training team carried out their roles professionally and cared about our site, allowing staff to work if needed. They got on very well with our staff and put their minds at ease. I received many positive comments from our management team, high credit to all"

Karen Gallant

Assistant Catering Manager, University of East Anglia