Light Roast Coffee

Want to explore the natural flavours of the best quality coffee beans? A light roast coffee could be for you.

Single Origin 3 - Papua New Guinea Coffee

Notes of:

Dates Milk Chocolate Raspberry


Lightly roasted beans aren't oily on the surface and is lighter brown in colour which is why it’s sometimes called cinnamon roast. This makes for a thin, mild cup of coffee. If you like coffee with fragrant and fruity flavors, you’ll find it among the light roasted coffees.
Single Origin 4 - Uganda Coffee

Notes of:

Apricot Dark Chocolate Peach


Lightly roasted beans aren't oily on the surface and is lighter brown in colour which is why it’s sometimes called cinnamon roast. This makes for a thin, mild cup of coffee. If you like coffee with fragrant and fruity flavors, you’ll find it among the light roasted coffees.

Light Roast Coffee

The coffee you know are actually the stone of a coffee cherry. The fruit is removed by various different methods, depending on where it's grown. It's then processed to leave just the green bean, which is then dried and roasted by roasters like us, to turn it into the distinctive brown oval you think of when you think of a coffee bean.

Coffee comes in a variety of roast levels, from light roast to medium roast and finally, the more intensely-flavoured dark roast. Which one you pick depends on personal preference, but it you're new to coffee, light roasts are a good place to start, as dark roasts might be a bit much for your palate to start with.

What is light roast coffee?

It means just that - it's given the lightest of roasts to let the natural flavours of the coffee shine through. The beans takes on hardly and flavour of the coffee roasting which means the finished coffee is light, acidic and with many layers of flavour in perfect balance.

Can I tell if it's light roasted coffee by looking at it?

Yes - light roast coffee beans will have a light brown colour that's more golden than a medium roast or dark roast, which tend to be much richer browns. Light roast coffees will also look quite dry, as the roasting process draws out the natural oils. Medium roasts and dark roasted beans are oilier to look at, as the roast draws out the natural oils, leaving a layer of oil on the surface of the beans.

Can I tell if its a lighter roast by what it tastes like?

Yes - a light coffee roast tends to have a range of bold flavours notes that change and develop with every sip. But every coffee is different, so you'll find light roasts with a range of flavours, from fruity to floral, depending on the origin, variety and how the beans they're made with are processed. Try a light against medium and dark roasts and see what they taste like. Can you see the difference between a medium dark and a really dark roast coffee? You should be able to tell the roast levels based on the smokiness of the taste. Roast medium, coffee will have lots of the natural flavour notes of the beans, with just a little smokiness. And remember, you don't have to stick with one roast level. Different coffees are great for different occasions, from a mid-morning latte to an after dinner espresso. Start exploring and you'll find that one variety just isn't enough.